Pietrapaola consists of two parts: The traditional village (Paese) is located in the mountains. Pietrapaola Marina has existed since the 1970s, and it is located at the seashore. People live here in summer and rent apartments to tourists. Both districts are by 12.4 kilometers away from each other. A narrow and winding road connects both parts. It leads through a special landscape of olive groves and vineyards.
Text | Pictures | Video | Situation | Exhibition | Documentation

Site-specific research Pietrapaola, Calabria, Italy, –
Pietrapaola besteht aus zwei Teilen: Das traditionelle Dorf (Paese) liegt in den Bergen. Pietrapaola Marina gibt es seit den 1970er Jahren, und es liegt am Meer. Hier wohnen die Menschen im Sommer und vermieten Wohnungen an Touristen. Beide Ortsteile liegen 12,4 km auseinander. Eine schmale und kurvige Straße verbindet beide Teile. Sie führt durch eine besondere Landschaft mit Olivenhainen und Weinbergen.
Pietrapaola è composta da due parti: Il tradizionale villaggio ("paese") è situato in montagna. Pietrapaola marina, nato negli anni Settanta, si trova in riva al mare. Qui vivono gli abitanti in estate e affittano appartamenti ai turisti. Entrambi i distretti sono separati da 12.4 chilometri e collegati da una strada stretta e tortuosa collega le due parti, che conduce attraverso un paesaggio speciale di uliveti e vigneti.

Below Pietrapaola Paese, on the trail at the sports ground: light – orange-red – smell of mint – hot – sandy, oil on fabric
Unterhalb Pietrapaola Paese, auf dem Wanderweg beim Sportplatz: Licht – orange-rot – Duft nach Minze – heiß – sandig, Öl auf Stoff
Pietrapaola, vicino allo stadio sportivo: luce – arancione – odore di menta – profumo di menta – caldo, olio su tessuto
(Kirsten Kötter)

Under the bridge on the road between Pietrapaola Marina and Paese: the splashing of a waterfall – shade and landscape – sun, oil on fabric
Unter der Brücke an der Straße zwischen Pietrapaola Marina und Paese: das Plätschern eines Wasserfalls – Schatten und Landschaft – Sonne, Öl auf Stoff
Sul ponte, strada da Pietrapaola marina a Pietrapaola paese: rumore dell'aqua – ombre e paesaggio – sole, olio su tessuto
(Kirsten Kötter)

above the village Pietrapaola on a plateau: dusk – sunset – mountains and houses
Über dem Dorf Pietrapaola auf einem Plateau: Dämmerung – Sonnenuntergang – Berge und Häuser
Sopra Pietrapaola paese su un altopiano: crepuscolo – tramonto – montagne e case

At the bridge on the road between Pietrapaola Marina and Paese: landscape – olive trees – hill – the violet flower – sun – light, oil on fabric
Bei der Brücke an der Straße zwischen Pietrapaola Marina und Paese: Landschaft – Olivenbäume – Hügel – die violette Blume – Sonne – Licht, Öl auf Stoff
Vicino al ponte, strada da Pietrapaola marina a Pietrapaola paese: paesaggio – alberi, olivi – colli – il fiore violetto – sole – luce, olio su tessuto
(Kirsten Kötter)


Under the bridge on the road between Pietrapaola Marina and Paese: the splashing of a waterfall (Kirsten Kötter)

Under the bridge on the road between Pietrapaola Marina and Paese: the splashing of a waterfall (Kirsten Kötter)

Exhibition, screening
- : Painted cloths and Video, event "La notte Petrupalisa", Pietrapaola Museum, Pietrapaola (Italy)

![Kirsten Kötter: Site-specific Research. 2016
(PDF, deutsch / English, 32 pages [see pages 4, 7, 22/23], 21.2 MB)](docu/kirsten_koetter_site-specific_research_150_213.jpg)